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What Yoga Can Teach You

Starting a daily yoga practice truly saved my life. It was when I began diving deeper into my body through movement, that I found my mental state change. The world became quieter. I was able to be in my body and learn what my body was needing. I became in tune.

Yoga is so much more than what it is showcased to be in our society. It is not a competition, nor is it about being flexible or in shape. Yoga teaches us to come as you are, right now. It is about acceptance of oneself. It teaches you to tune in to your body, even when it is uncomfortable. It teaches us to let go. Release. Be.

I find when my mind is swimming with thoughts, anxiety, upset, whatever the case, yoga changes it. It is my "magic potion". My mind connects with my body, my heart rate slows, my breathing becomes controlled and regulated, my nervous system is reset and balanced.

Yoga means unite. Uniting the body, mind and spirit.

If you have never tried yoga, new to your practice or feel intimidated by this practice, I encourage you to just do this simple exercise. Close your eyes, place your hand over your heart, and breathe. Feel the ebb and flow of your chest, moving like the ocean waves, in and out, in and out, in perfect rhythm.

You just practiced yoga. Yoga= Union. You just united your body and mind and spirit to be in that moment. It really is that simple.

If you can move any part of your body an inch and place your mind and body in that simple movement, that is yoga.

So to all my friends out there who feel intimidated and overwhelmed by all the stigma around yoga, I invite you to begin your own yoga practice to define what yoga means to you. You can begin slowly. Yoga is about learning. Allow your body and mind to teach you.

I wish you well on your yoga journey and should you need any guidance, I am here to be of assistance. It truly is my passion to help others and yoga is one way I fulfill my life's purpose.

Many Blessings


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The Green Goddess


Heather Michelle

Yoga Teacher

Health and Wellness Coach



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