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Keep Your Head Held High

Somedays its can be challenging to deal with the constant bombardment of what life has to offer but it is in those moments, to do what it is YOU need to keep going. This week I was yet again, attacked for being "The Green Goddess". Someone felt the need to attack me as a human, sharing advice and trying to help others because that's what life is about, right?

I am human. I never said I am perfect , nor do I claim to be.

I find when life gets hard, and I am talking, parenting struggles, financial hardships, relationship issues, people who try to cut you down, those hard moments of feeling defeated, are the moments I have to dig deeper. Deeper into my being to seek what I need to keep myself going and keep my head head high. Here are a few things I do that may help you as well.

I practice gratitude daily. This powerful reflection has thought me so much and has helped me in times of stress to change my perspective. Gratitude to me is one of the highest way to live your life. Going through life with a thankful heart and spirit will have a positive effect on you and everyone around you.

Practicing giving to others is another form of getting outside oneself and being of service. Sometimes I will sit and write cards with quotes and words to inspire and just place them places for people to find. Other days, I donate my time, or things or start a charity. Giving to others around you can create a feeling of connect that I feel we all need. A connect to ourselves and a connect to those around us.

I highly recommend practicing self care. Eating foods that bring you health and vitality, drinking liquids that heal and regenerate cells, plenty of water, yoga, dance, deep breathing, art, hiking, sitting outside, reading a book, the list goes on and on. Finding whatever it is that brings you peace and reconnects you with yourself in times of stress, is vital to our well being. Ask yourself what you need.

Keep a journal. I love to journal and feel I can gather what is racing around in my head and place it outside of myself for me to see in front of me. Write with pure honesty, not judging yourself, just allow yourself to flow and write with complete transparency. It will free you and you will feel better.

I love to go out in nature and reconnect with what I call the real world. Nature brings so much healing to my soul. I have meditated for hours on end, sitting alone on rocks high in the mountains. The peace I feel in nature is food for my heart and soul, never do I regret the time I spent recharging and reconnecting.

Another form of therapy I give myself, is to talk out loud. I talk to God, I envision the person I need to talk to about something bothering me, right there and i say whatever I need to say. This exercise for me has been extremely powerful and I find has released a lot of pent up feelings that had no where to go. It is ok to cry, feel angry, hurt, sad, happy, relieved. Allow yourself to feel and express each emotion in this safe way can be a savior.

Take a bath! I can begin to tell you how much water therapy can help! It can relax our physical body and bring comfort and rest to our minds and spirits. I make my baths very healing and luxurious, a treat I indulge in. I make salt baths mixed with essential oils and allow myself to soak and unwind for as long as I need. I always walk away feeling rejuvenated.

My top go to is yoga. I practice yoga daily but in times of stress, my yoga practice deepens. It teaches me to go inside my body and feel where I am holding tension and allow it to release. I recommend restorative yoga for people under tremendous stress. Restorative yoga works by releasing tension deep in the body by holding yoga postures longer. The poses are usually supported by pillows and bolsters and allow your body to truly unwind and release. It is a truly beautiful practice that I enjoy teaching and sharing with others and practicing quite often.

Celebrate yourself. Write down 10 things that you love about yourself. Build your own self esteem and don't allow anyone to make you feel less than you know you are. Be your own best friend and mentor. You have the power to change yourself and the way your inner voice talks to yourself. Speak to yourself in kind ways, do not beat yourself up, forgive yourself, start anew, you have the power!

Keep your head up my friends, you got this!


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The Green Goddess


Heather Michelle

Yoga Teacher

Health and Wellness Coach



© 2016 by Heather Michelle. Proudly created with


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