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Heart Meditation

*Begin by sitting comfortably, eyes closed.

*Bring your hands to your heart center.

*Exhale, inhale through your nose. Slowly, with control. Exhale fully with a deep release.

*Repeat for several rounds, until you feel very relaxed and connected.

Bring awareness to your heart center. Begin to ask yourself some questions to bring awareness to your heart center,

"If my heart were planted, what would it grow?"

"How can I live through my heart?"

"How can my heart guide me?"

"What feelings do I feel in my heart?"

"In what way can I heal my heart?"

"What brings my heart happiness?"

Sit with your questions for a moment, breathing deeply. Feeling your focus on your heart center.

The answers you need will come to you in the stillness and silence. Listen, for they sometimes whisper.

Imagine and visualize for a moment a bright green light around your heart, projecting outward with rays like the sun. Allow the rays to project from the inside of your being, outward.

Allow only goodness to be held in this green, glowing light. Ask the light to cleanse and heal and bring you what you need to live in a more loving way through your heart.

"May we all listen to our heart."


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The Green Goddess


Heather Michelle

Yoga Teacher

Health and Wellness Coach



© 2016 by Heather Michelle. Proudly created with


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