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Benefits of Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

I have been studying to become a certified yoga instructor and the most challenging part of this for me is learning the Sanskrit names for all the poses! I have found saying the names out loud randomly and then going into the pose helps me remember! And of course writing about it in my blogs help too! I truly love studying yoga along with practicing daily and teaching others! Yoga is a gift that heals and empowers and brings peace, which is why I love sharing it with the world!

Bhujangasana, Cobra pose, comes from the Sanskrit words, "Bhujang" meaning "serpent" and "asana" meaning "pose". This backbend pose can be subtle or dramatic, depending on the depth to which you take it. Each day our bodies are in need of something different. Allow your body to tell you exactly what your needs are in that moment. Listening to your body is what yoga is truly about.

I find Cobra to be one of my favorite rejuvenating, uplifting poses. This one pose alone strengthens your spine, gluteal muscles, thighs, arms and shoulders! This pose allows you to stretch the frontal plane of your body, encouraging proper functioning of your abdominal organs and proving compression to the lower back to help stimulate the kidneys, as well as help ease sciatic nerve pain, if you are suffering from that.

Cobra deeply opens the chest which allows for expansion of the lungs to encourage deeper breathing, which can be extremely beneficial for those suffering from asthma or breathing problems or for those in need of reducing stress and anxiety. This pose also greatly benefits the neck and shoulder muscles. If you are working at a desk or driving or typically slouched during the majority of your day, doing this posture will help reverse the negative effects of poor posture.

From an emotional healing perspective, this pose allows for the heart to be open, and shining forward to send and also to receive Love. When in this pose for an extended period of time you may find the stirrings in your heart to be easily surfaced, as yoga works with both the physical and emotional bodies. That is the true beauty and essence of yoga, to unite our body and spirits.

To practice this pose you want to start out on your abdomen and point your feet behind you.

1) Place your hands palm down on the ground beneath your shoulders.

2) Lift your chest off the ground by straightening your arms.

3) Gaze upwards and keep your abdominals engaged.

***Make sure in this pose you roll your shoulders up, back, and down as you push your chest forward to fully pry the rib cage open in the hold. Try to hold for at least 30 seconds and work up to 3 minutes.

When you come out of the pose you may lie on your tummy with your head turned to one side in relaxation pose, to absorb the benefits of Cobra pose.

In yoga the longer the pose is held by the practitioner, the more benefit. Blood flow is greatly increased and the parts of the body being activated, are awakened. By holding the postures, our emotions easily come forward, allowing for us to heal from what may be held in our bodies. Physical pain can be caused by an emotional trauma or past event that we have stored in our physical body. We can easily work through emotional pain by allowing yoga to unite our body and spirits.

I feel when I practice yoga, I have to hold the poses for an extended period of time to fully connect with my body and where I am emotionally in that moment. Each day is different, and each day my practice tells me something I needed to know. Wisdom is easily heard when we allow ourselves to truly be silent and listen,

For me, yoga has taught me to connect with the calm within, especially in moments when I feel my emotions are taking over me. Sometimes I will just stop everything and go into a pose and stay there until I feel the emotion move out of me and I feel at peace. Yoga has the power to transform.

Namaste <3

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The Green Goddess


Heather Michelle

Yoga Teacher

Health and Wellness Coach




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