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Fasting and Cleansing for Physical Healing and Spiritual Awakening

Fasting has been used for ages in many cultures and religions for healing and for its ability to rid the mind and body of deep toxins that not only block our physical bodies but hinder our connection to our spirit. I want to share my experience and story of my fasting journey.

After my third child was born, I suffered a severe gallbladder attack that had me crippled in pain. At the time, I was not sure what was happening and went to the hospital. The doctor determined I was having a gallbladder attack and gave me morphine for my pain. I was so drugged and out of my mind, but I vividly remember being wheeled back to a room. I asked what was happening and they said they were going to do surgery to remove my gallbladder.

I remember saying that I knew my rights and refused to be hacked into and have my organs just taken out!! Even in my highly drugged state, I knew I could heal myself and that I needed my gallbladder. It seems too routine for doctors to want to take vital organs out of our bodies. They typically are not aware of the devastating effects our bodies go through after these surgeries and that we can heal ourselves, without surgery. And that is what I set out to research and do.

Firstly, I was referred to a Chinese herbalist and he determined that I was eating too many foods that required heat to digest. After my son was born, I craved avocados and cashews. It seemed like it was all I ate and hence the gallbladder attack. My body was overloaded with fat and was causing me to have this attack. I began digging deeper to find what to do. I came to the conclusion to fast and to do a liver-gallbladder flush that I had discovered in my research of self-healing.

It was near my 30th birthday, so for my 30th birthday I decided to fast for 30 days only on fresh juice and water. I took each day like it was a year of my life and reflected on how I had been eating emotionally through out my life. I wanted to heal my body of past emotions that were stuck inside me and blocking my connect with my higher self and my ability to heal.

The first few days of fasting were a bit of a challenge, but I was excited to rid myself of what was blocking me. I saw this as a gift to give myself for my being in this body that was given to me. I decided to use this time as a chance to heal from past traumatic events to which I found comfort in foods that were creating disease and pain and blocks in my body.

I remember day 12, my body released what literally felt like 'death' and I could feel a lift in my physical body and I could hear with my intuition more clearly. I felt what left my body that day was years of toxic pains from the past and with it gone, I was able to see how fasting has healed others and why it was held so high as a form of healing oneself.

On day 21, I decided to do the liver-gallbladder flush. It is an intense cleansing method but highly effective if done properly. I read in the wonderful and informative book, "The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush" by Andreas Moritz, how to properly prepare and the recipe for the flush. Here is the link to his website for anyone interested in his work and for the recipe for the Liver-gallbladder flush.

I remember the recipe consisting of drinking epsom salts and then a mixture of grapefruit juice and olive oil. The epsom salt drink was honestly the hardest thing for me to drink but I told myself its better than surgery and went for it. The grapefruit and olive oil mixture was not as bad as I thought It would be, but still not very tasty. After spending the evening drinking the flushes, you are supposed to lie down in a dark room and try to sleep or meditate. I felt very strange after taking in the flushes. I felt slightly nauseous and found it a bit challenging to sleep at first. I just kept taking deep breaths and visualizing gallstones and toxins leaving my body with ease, and before I knew it I drifted off to sleep.

I woke in the middle of the night with a very unusual sensation in my gallbladder. I felt my gallbladder contracting and like tiny bubbles were releasing inside my body where my liver and gallbladder are. It was not painful and I was so excited to feel something happening! I will say that if you are considering doing the liver gallbladder flush, one thing you should know is that you should make sure you fast and clean your colon first! The liver and gallbladder sit at the top of your colon, so in order to get wonderful results from a liver and gallbladder flush, firstly clean your colon by fasting and/or colonics.

The next morning I woke up feeling incredibly ill. Honestly I felt poisoned! I had made an appointment for that day at the ARE holistic health center spa in Virginia Beach to have colonics done for the first time, along with reflexology, a castor oil pack and massage and facial. This healing center is absolutely wonderful! Here is the link to their website:

After all, this was my 30th birthday and I wanted to really feel like a new being and I knew I was on the right track! Part of doing the liver flush is to have colonics done the day after. The reason being, so that the gallstones do not get left in the body and toxins are not being reabsorbed back into the bloodstream. Now the only problem was I was driving myself and I didn't know if I could drive 3 hours feeling this ill! I prayed for the feeling to subside so I could make it and before I opened my car door to leave, a feather was laying on the ground by my feet. This feather was the longest feather I had ever found and I knew it was a sign that all would be fine! I was able to drive all the way there without any problem. Thank you Angels! :-)

When I got to the ARE and got in my spa room, I told the lady working on me of all the cleansing I had been doing. She was inspired and excited to see what was going to come out of my body, as was I! I headed off to the colonics room with a little trepidation but mostly excitement to rid myself of even deeper toxins that had been in my body for many years of my life. I knew in my heart this would be life changing.

For those of you who have never had or heard of colonics, colonics is like an enema except you are being assisted with a trained professional. A small tube is inserted into your rectum, you can insert it or the practitioner can, whichever way you are most comfortable. The colonic therapist then turns the water on which begins to flow inside your body at a slow speed. Once your body feels 'full', you tell the practitioner and they will turn the water off and your body will automatically release whatever was trapped in your colon. Some colonic centers have a water system where you can watch and see what comes out of your body. I was fortunate enough to have one because I wanted to see what was in my body making me sick. Not to be graphic or gross but since I had juice fasted for 21 days, my colon itself was very clean but all of a sudden, I felt my gallbladder contracting as water was being channeled inside my body. At the release, I watched in amazement as 100's of tiny green pea like stones passed through the machine and out of my body!!!

The practitioner was in awe as well! The session went on for an hour for a series of flushes and releases. I honestly can say that during my colonics, I felt my taste in my mouth change and the color blue of the wall got brighter and brighter! My vision was changing due to the toxins that once bogged down my system were now gone! I asked the practitioner how many gallstones did she think left my body and she said well over 1,000! Yes, over 1,000! The stones that had once made me so incredibly ill and on the brink of surgery, were now GONE!

This cleanse was so incredibly empowering and life transformative! I truly felt like a new being, inside and out! I had as new sense of being as I got up off that table and went to shower and take a stream bath. I had never felt cleaner in my life! I decided to stay in Virginia Beach for the next 3 days on a personal retreat of healing myself even more! Everywhere I went people would stop me and tell me I was beaming and they would ask my secret! I would always share this story and along the way I inspired many people to fast and cleanse!

I can honestly say that the experience I had with fasting and cleansing my body was a transformative journey that I will never forget and one that has inspired me to help so many others on their personal health journeys as well. If you are suffering from ANY health issue, I urge you to research fasting and colonics! They say death begins in your colon and I am here to tell you I TRULY believe that!

I felt my spirit connecting with my body and during that fast I realized how our bodies truly are our temples and our vehicles while we are on this planet. It is a gift and once I saw it as such, my behaviors toward what I was putting in my body changed. I also saw how important it is to surround yourself with people who support and love you and bring you peace.

I finished 30 days of fasting, and cleansing feeling like a new person and more connected to my spirit and others and it gave me a sense of wanting to share. I truly hope that in sharing my fasting story with others, that it will lead people to try fasting and cleansing for themselves. We can heal our bodies through knowledge and ancient wisdoms and practices that are known all over the world, only if we avail ourselves to them! Healing your mind, body and spirit is your gift to yourself!

Sending healing blessings to you and yours!

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The Green Goddess


Heather Michelle

Yoga Teacher

Health and Wellness Coach




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