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The saying goes....

You are what you eat! How many times have you heard this and have really ever stopped to think what this may mean??? I was one of those people that heard it but one day I heard it differently. I actually thought about the impact what we eat has on our bodies, our minds, our health, our connect to our higher selves and to a Higher Power.

And not only what we eat but what we consume in other ways!!!! The tv programs we watch, the books we read, the things we look at online, the music we listen to, what we say and what we converse all applies! It becomes a part of us and can have either positive or negative effects on us! Its time to start taking some inventory!!!!

I spent an entire summer reading the book "The Sunfood Diet System" by David Wolfe and it was life transforming! I highly recommend this book! I was only eating raw fruit that summer and I looked radiant! I was glowing! People even stopped to tell me that! I started to see how important it is to eat for health, beauty and connection!

I also started seeing that eating certain color foods had certain effects on me and my mood! Yellow has been said to be a color most connect with fun, sunshine, and a color that represents happiness! It has also been studied that when people smell citrus fruits they cannot feel anything but happy!

If you are eating a diet filled with packaged foods that are made in a factory, or foods that have zero life force because they weren't grown by the earth and sun, then you are probably experiencing either physical issues or emotional ones or both!!! Earth food is grown by the Earth and the Sun and has the energy of LIFE and therefore gives our bodies vital energy by providing much needed enzymes, vitamins, minerals and nutrients!!! Its no wonder people who eat a diet of mainly Earth food feel better and look better!!! Because, after all, you ARE what YOU eat!!!! And I want to be radiant like the Sun!!!

Here is a juice recipe for what I call my "Happy Tonic":

Juice together:

1 Pineapple

1 Grapefruit

1 Lemon

1 Lime

The color of this juice is GORGEOUS!!! It is loaded with Vitamin C which is known to boost your immune system, help maintain elasticity of your skin and help your body when you are under stress! I drink it with the intention that the juice is filled with only happiness and sunshine!!! Put those thoughts and words into your already amazing happy tonic and be ready to be dancing around in no time!!!! ;-)

Much Happiness and Radiant Health wishes to YOU!!!

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The Green Goddess


Heather Michelle

Yoga Teacher

Health and Wellness Coach




© 2016 by Heather Michelle. Proudly created with


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